Schacht Mighty Wolf Loom


Height Extenders

Product Details

Schacht's Mighty Wolf loom has a weaving width of 36″ and uses the same X-frame design as the Baby Wolf.  

You have your choice of four or eight shafts, or you can choose the "Four Now-Four Later" model, which comes with four shafts installed and space for four more, allowing you to expand from four shafts to eight shafts at any time with a kit"Four Now-Four Later" looms are shipped with all the heddles, tie-ups, and other items normally included with an eight harness loom.

The optional height extender raises the loom 2 inches, giving the Mighty Wolf loom the same weaving height as Schacht's Standard Floor looms.

Mighty Wolf Loom features:

  • X-frame design, easily folded to a depth of 18″
  • Adjustable beater, allowing the position of the shuttle race to be raised or lowered if necessary
  • Friction brake on the warp beam, letting the warp advance smoothly.
  • High Castle with a handy storage tray

Available Accessories:

*There may be an occasional shipping delay on this item due to pandemic-related issues. Thank you for your patience and understanding - we are working hard to get your order to you as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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