Seattle Sky Dyeworks Plaid Weaving Clinic


$107.00 per person



About this experience

The long awaited plaid clinic is here! During this one day clinic you will learn how to choose yarns for a plaid, how to design your plaid using a variety of techniques, we’ll discuss color theory and how it applies to our designs, and we will start our project! You’ll receive two plaid patterns to inspire you. Come to class prepared with at least one project in mind, complete with yarn, appropriately sized reed, loom, and warping setup (clamps, pegs, cardboard sticks or warping papers). If you feel like bringing multiple potential options, please do! 

Note: If class participants would like to purchase yarn for this project, I have built in a 30 minute break period you can use to shop, have a snack, or grab a coffee, your choice!

Prerequisite: Students must have completed Weaving Basics or similar class or have a working knowledge of the basics. 

Materials Needed:*

  • Rigid Heddle Loom (if you do not have one, you can rent one from NW Yarns)
  • Reed to match your chosen yarn
  • 3+ colors of matching base yarn (example: 3 skeins Seattle Sky Dyeworks Temporum)
  • Scissors
  • 3+ stick shuttles
  • Full warping setup (clamps, warping pegs, cardboard sticks/paper, warp hook)
  • Measuring tape
  • Optional: tablet with internet/wifi access

Class Date and Time: July 7th from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm (with a 30 minute break)
Cost: $80
Minimum Weavers: 3**
Maximum Weavers: 8

*A 10% discount will be provided to students purchasing materials for this class. Please remind your cashier!

**If we do not meet our class minimum, the class will not take place. If this occurs, we will alert customers 4 days before the class and you will recieve a refund.